Sunday 24 April 2011

Stuck on a TRAIN

Hey Guys,

I'm stuck on a train!! Arghh!

I hate it when this happens, i totally forgot what trains were like...

Bleurghh, anyway what do u guys do to entertain yourselves when ur stuck on a train that doesnt move. Dont say facebook cos thats even boring now!

Save me!!


Friday 22 April 2011


Hi Guys,

So I was sunbathing at my local park with my younger sister, one thing lead to
another and I found myself in sunny Brighton. Those of you who have me on facebook have already seen the piks.

We went to this lovely restaurant and the food was yummy! We then chilled on the beach and also had some fun on the pier.

All in all i've had a great day today!

So guys, how was your day? The sun is really shinning bright these days right??

Leave your comments below!!


Thursday 21 April 2011

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Foundation

Hi Guys!!

So here is the product review!

I've been using this foundation for a couple of days now and I can already feel it working!

I’ll start with the good points.

This foundation has great, full coverage, but then again Clinique foundations always cover well. I only used the tiniest bit and it covered my whole face. I like the fact that it’s treating my skin whilst covering up any blemishes. :)

But it’s quite thick so I wouldn’t advise you guys to use a foundation brush or a makeup sponge, its best you apply this foundation with your fingers,  it will heat up and thin it out a bit making the application easier.

Also I’d also advise you put on EXTRA moisturiser before applying this foundation. It's specifically designed to cover and treat your blemishes and may dry your skin more compared to normal foundations. So to steer clear from the caked up look you might even want to mix some of your favourite moisturiser with this foundation. (on your hand)

Like I said I've been using this product for a few days now and I have seen a slight improvement in my skin, so I can’t wait to see how it will look in a month!

Overall I think this is a great foundation, I paid £21 for it and its well worth it. I've used Clinique foundations before and they last long.

So do you use foundation every day?

What’s your favourite brand?

Leave your comments below!


Wednesday 20 April 2011


Hi guys!

Just letting you kow that i will be doing a product review on a Clinque foundation soon.


Tuesday 19 April 2011

It's never too late...

Ok so Nick Clegg is to launch a Social Mobility Scheme where internships will have to be paid at a minimum wage. This will make them available to more of us so the future will not depend on who you know but more on what you know.
This is truly great, but I know it's going to take ages to implement.

So what are your thoughts on social mobility ?

Do you think the scheme is  a wee bit late?

Personally I can't understand why the scheme wasn't thought of or implemented earlier, I mean c'monn!!

Leave you comments below!

Saturday 9 April 2011

Easter hols

Ok so its officially the easter holidays right now, its that time of year where i actually try to do something about my extra weight. ( not much of it mind you)
Im sure if i worked our at a gym for a few weeks i'd be sorted but thats just not me... Lol
Has anyone got any fun ways to tone up?

Like i was hooving up yesterday and i swear i lost about a million calories!

Leave ur comments below


Thursday 7 April 2011

How difficult is it really?

Thinking about my career really does keep me up at night. Whether it be applications or my 2.2 degree. I was always told by most University tutors and the careers services that if I had obtained any sort of legal work experience, I’d have some sort of chance or securing a training contract. Well I’m not entirely sure how true that really is!

Working in high street or shall I say back street firms for free, trying to further my career and obtain some sort of legal experience in a law firm seemed pretty easy at the time. Obtaining the work experience wasn’t hard, trying to convince legal employers that I have shown a high degree of commitment to the legal field by spending most summer holidays doing work experience is hard even if I did have great responsibility within the firm/s.

Does it count though?
 Rumour has it that if you have work experience in a not so great firm then it could actually degrade your CV. I’m not entirely sure if I can explain what type of firm this is, but by what I’ve heard I’m guessing they mean a firm from hell. (These are usually the easiest places to get some experience…well I think so anyway!)

We can only hope that the economic climate will improve and more legal graduate jobs will be available, especially for those with a 2.2 degree just like me. I guess I can go on about the disadvantages of having a 2.2 degree for years but one thing I am sure of from past experience is, it really doesn’t matter which degree you have when it comes to working with your clients. I’m not saying that all those with firsts lack social skills, but what I am saying is as long as you’re a competent lawyer and are able to keep your client at ease it really shouldn’t matter.

A few years ago magic circle firms where difficult places to secure training contracts with, these days it’s even harder to get a paralegal job. This is a scary thought but one that might have to be ignored for now.

Well I guess we can only try to be as positive as we can right? The climate is getting better, the dark cloud is lifting over the heads of us legal graduates, even if it is very slowly we should eventually be qualified before our personally funded LPC’s run out….well hopefully! J